Agent1 - Repair Armor - 5 uses - As per the spell.2 - Selfish Heal Limb - "Diskordia heals me." - One limb at a time, unlimited, only on self. 3 - Shift the Blame - 2 uses - take any 'Curse' from a player and place it on yourself. You cannot take a 'Curse' if you already have one, and you cannot give your 'Curse' away to a PC with the use of this spell. However, should another PC take your 'Curse' through the use of this spell, that's fine. 4: Riddle Me This - Solve the posed riddle, and get a clue/answer to anything pertaining to the current situation. 5 - Create Powder - 2 uses- smoosh any components on-site together, add water and 'swallow'... 6 - Gray Sight - 1 use- Ask any question of the MM/EH, and while doing so pick a number 1 2 3 4 or 5. The EH/MM will answer and, if they don't know right away, the use is not expended. 7: Diskordian Favor - Ask a favor of Diskordia. Beware. |
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 09-23-08 08:26 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 08-11-09 10:10 PM