The Goverment of Khae OssrimTalduin was the city that few in the Realms got to experience, but I heard it was quite a treat. Before being blown sky-high, that is. - IawenThe Laws of Talduin are thus: 1. Any person in Talduin not a citizen of Khae Ossrim must carry travel papers on them at all times. 2. Any person found without travel papers will be sent to the Bureau of Immigration and Processing immediately. 3. Any person not a citizen of Khae Ossrim attempting to live in Talduin must obtain a Grey Card. 4. Any person not a citizen of Khae Ossrim attempting to vend in Talduin must obtain a Vending License. 5. Any person found invading the privacy of another living in Talduin shall be punished to the full extent of the law. 6. Any person found stealing from another living in Talduin shall be punished to the full extent of the law. 7. Any person found committing murder within Talduin shall be summarily executed. 8. Any person found attempting to breach the walls into Khae Ossrim without special authority will be shot. ----- The Five Edicts of the Khae Ossrim are thus: 1. Family before friends. 2. All of them for one of us. 3. No intercourse outside the race. 4. There is no leaving. (This might explain what happened to Runya and give a reason as to why Laika is still alive. - Iawen) 5. What you do to the Son, you do to the Father. ----- A Listing of the Fathers of the Eight Houses Light: Light is currently without a Father. Dark: Halya-Lante, Heru tel’Khae Ossrim, Atar tel’Nosse en’Mori, Ohtar tel’Vahkarmoth, Akh'velahrn tel’Sanyo tel’Anarpanyuva, Aratomor, Kola tel’Elenceleb. Fire: Morion Feanor Emrys, Heru tel’Khae Ossrim, Atar tel’Nosse en’Runya, Shilyo tel’Kyermarauko. Water: Falmatiri, Heru tel’Khae Ossrim, Atar tel’Nosse en’Alu, Ohtar tel’Vahtarhisie, Akh’velahrn tel’Sanyo tel’Ar’Rast, Arato tel’Tumba, Ondoceleb. Air: Beth Tanya Lemar, Heru tel’Khae Ossrim, Atar tel’Nosse en’Vilya, Ohtar tel’Vahtararna, Akh’velahrn tel’Sanyo tel’Ar’Menel, Arato tel’Sulristuva, Lamyaceleb. Earth: Taureliloomea, Heru tel’Khae Ossrim, Atar tel’Nosse en’Laurelin, Ohtar tel’Vahtarwinde, Akh’velahrn tel’Sanyo tel’Lasse, Arato tel’Mencalen, Ethirceleb. Order: Parmanoldo, Heru tel’Khae Ossrim, Atar tel’Nosse en’Sanyo, Ohtar tel’Vahtarondo, Akh’velahrn tel’Sanyo tel’Ar’Beth, Aratowinde, Tinechorceleb. Chaos: Lussalalaith, Heru tel’Khae Ossrim, Atar tel’Nosse en’Ruukin, Ohtar tel’Vahtarhrive, Akh’velahrn tel’Sanyo tel’Menhalda, Arato en’Ruukinar, Nat’celeb. ----- |
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 02-24-10 07:51 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 02-24-10 07:51 PM