Tymora & Miracle MaxNovember 22nd, 1010 M.R.Greetings, I am currently seeking those who consider themselves followers of Lady Tymora, or Tyche or Fortuna as She is sometimes called. If you consider yourself a follower or worshiper of the Lady, or if you know someone who is and think they may not hear of my request, please send word to me for I have need of your assistance. I am also seeking the location of the Holy Altar Cloth and Hilt of Lady Tymora. If you know of the location of either or have heard rumor as to where they may be, I would greatly appreciate any information you may have. Details as to why I am seeking the above can be provided upon request if necessary. If you have any information on either please send word to me in Achoria. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Signed, -Valas Baneshot Lord of Achoria Lord of Blackwood ----- November 23rd, 1010 M.R. Greetings ArchDuke Sir K of Blackwood if you could please contact me at your earliest convience Sincerely Captain Miracle Max of Achoria Resident of your lands in Blackwood --- November 24th, 1010 M.R. Neat. Are you sworn to the new lord, or do you just live there? - Sir Iawen Penn --- Sir Iawen, I have been a member of Achoria for ten years, I will follow whom ever leads its. It is to my understanding the leadership has changed however being as I also live in Sir K's Homeland. I felt I should have been considered for this position. However Sir K is a wise and gentle man whos judgement holds great weight. In this case i feel if he believes that this whats best for Achoria then I am behind him and my new lord 110%. I only wish Sir K had talked to me first about this. Thank you for your interest and may Posidens wisdom guide your way. Sincerely Miracle Max of Achoria Resident of Blackwood --- In this case, the Hilt and the Altar Cloth of Tymora (Tyche, Fortuna) was with an old adventurer named Ender, who showed up to claim it, and then disappeared again from whence he came shortly there-after. There are many a person in Achoria, though, both old and new. |
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 10-29-12 02:29 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 10-29-12 02:29 PM