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The Ritual to Get Attention

Author: unknown
Place/Gathering Discovered: Tournaments of Creathorne 2002
Date: unknown
Transcribed by: Sir Iawen Penn
In our time was the second age of man
there came a call to bring down cruel and spiteful gods of old
Gods care not for our doings
and brought plaque, disease, and creatures of utter darkness
upon us all
so it came into being
The Hidden Order
A covenant of creatures
men, goblin, troll, elf, drow, and all that wished to fight against
those that made puppets of our bodies and souls

And in our second age
was fashioned a weapon to destroy the gods of old.
But when our weapon was unleashed upon the gods
our Hidden Order did not know the rules of balance
and when the gods fell
creatures of our Hidden Order became gods themselves

Since that time our Hidden Order has used
our knowledge sparingly
times have come again
when the gods become petty

And care little for those
that died in their name
and now our Hidden Order
seeks some that would strike down gods
and raise themselves on high
Be you one of courage and then will make yourself known
to our Hidden Order
encircle yourself with white earth
place water through north
fire through south
blood to the east
and flesh to the west
then stand with fists raised high
and call to the gods
denying their power three times
Our Hidden Order will then come to you to teach you where to step up
on your new Path.
The road is hard and trials long, remember to finish what you start.
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 01-27-15 09:42 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 01-27-15 09:42 PM