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Wyrd's Pact

My Master, Wyrd, bid me greet you on this day.

She wanted me to make it known a few things, for the second time:

One: I am not acting of my own free will.
Two: I am required to lie, but the best of lies are wrapped in truths.

New information continues below:

Wyrd has no interest in ‘playing’ with people that have no interest in ‘playing’ her games.

To that end, she cordially invites all individuals that wish to be ‘left alone’ to have a scribe copy out the enclosed “Individual Pact of Non-Interaction”. (meta: print the “Individual Pact” document attached). Bring this copy, unsigned, to one of the public gatherings where Wyrd (or one of her agents) declares they will be available. The signing of the Pact must be done with a Witness: Either Wyrd herself, or one of her agents.

In a similar vein, if an individual is also the recognized sovereign of a Realms country, land or territory, that individual may have a scribe copy out the enclosed “Territorial Pact of Non-Interaction” and must also bring a copy of the Realms Map, as maintained by Metron, with their territory highlighted and outlined on that copy for Wyrd’s record. (meta: print the “Territorial Pact” document attached, and prepare a copy of the Realms Map with some means for me to know where your Kingdom is on that map.) As with the Individual Pact, the Territory Pact may only be ratified if signed under witness of Wyrd or one of her agents. Lying on the actual boundaries of your territory, or on your true rank and station will render the Territorial Pact null and void, and further cause my Master to be moved to take special interest in you.

My master, Wyrd, intends to send me to the upcoming Feast of Pi(e) (3/14/15 - tomorrow) so that I may accept and act as Witness for the signing of either Pact.

Also while I am there, I will be available to take messages (in writing only) to my master.

If you cannot read the enclosed texts, or cannot afford a scribe to copy it for you, you may contact me directly for the remainder of this day directing your postal elf to the Green Unicorn, Victory, Tuath Fasach.

In such truth as I can manage,

Sir Tetch Korucanta
Knight of the Realms
Knight of the Eternal Flame
Magi of the Realms
Lady of Peridan, circa ‘994
Foster to House Chimeron under Lady Cassia
Princess Old Age
Wyrd’s Bitch

PS: Rime sends apology. Not feeling up to it today.
Individual Pact of Non-Interaction

I, the undersigned, being a free-willed, sentient being without a

conflicting Ban or Mandate do hereby declare:
  • I Swear to Uphold the “Individual Pact of Non-Interaction”. Doing so

    places me in the following Pact:
  • I will never be specifically/individually targeted or included in

    any ‘game’ or ‘activity’ approved or influenced by the being known as

    Wyrd, or any of her Tools, tools, servants or slaves to the best of

    her (and her agent’s) ability to shield me from such involvement at
  • In return for Wyrd’s (and her agent’s) efforts, I will also do my

    best to take no actions against Wyrd or her agents at any time, and I

    will not intentionally interpose myself between Wyrd (and her agent’s)
  • I understand that Wyrd (and her agents) are in the world, and as

    such, public areas, mailing lists, gatherings (such as tournaments,

    quests and feasts) or other such things may be visited or frequented

    by Wyrd (and/or her agents) and we may experience each other in some

    form of sensory fashion. This is not a violation, so long as the

    sensory fashion is limited to sight, smell, or hearing. Neither I, nor

    Wyrd (or her agents) should for any reason attempt to touch or taste

    Wyrd (and her agents) will do what they can to avoid affecting

    me specifically or indirectly at those times we are in the same

    public location, but I must also make efforts to not be affected by

    participating or interposing myself intentionally. This includes, but

    is not limited to, casting spells such as Protections from Enchanted

    Beings or Circles of Protection which are directed against Wyrd or her

    Agents, and shield NOT ONLY myself, but potentially shield others that

    have not signed this Pact.
  • Note regarding mailing public lists: To help limit ‘interaction’ on

    the public mailing lists, Wyrd (and her agents) will do their best

    to mark all incoming messages with a note in the subject line stating

    it relates to Wyrd (or her agents) so that I may delete the message

    unread. These messages will be marked with a WR (for Wyrd Related)

    Other beings that are not Wyrd (or one of her agents) may post

    letters relating to Wyrd (or her agents) to the public list without

    her direct influence, and may neglect to so mark their letters. Wyrd

    (and her agents) shall not be held accountable for their actions in

    this case, as they are not controlled or directed by Wyrd to so post.
  • I understand that if I break my Oath intentionally, I will be

    declared an Oathbreaker, and will be subject to whatever justice Wyrd

    sees fit to deal to me, up to and including censure by Garm.

    Some intentional activities include, but are not limited to:

    a) Intentionally taking arms against Wyrd or her agents.

    b) Intentionally using this Pact as a means to safely and actively

    plot against Wyrd or her agents.

    c) Knowingly and actively participating in Wyrd’s (or her agent’s)

    games or activities.

    d) Knowingly offering to ‘hold on’ to items that Wyrd (or her agents)

    may be seeking in order to keep them from her (or her agents).

    e) Knowingly offering a location under my roof or within my power as

    a location for others that have not signed an Individual Pact of Non-
    Interaction to plot against Wyrd (or her agents).

    f) Knowingly offering asylum or protection to another being that has

    not signed an Individual Pact of Non-Interaction and is being actively

    sought by Wyrd (or her agents)

    g) After discovering I have been duped into performing an action that

    places me in direct violation of this Pact, I fail to immediately

    cease participation, and inform Wyrd (or her agents) via a public

    missive of the details of the violation. If I continually (and

    conveniently) get so conned, Wyrd has the right to revoke the Pact

    where it applies to me.
  • I understand if Wyrd breaks her side of the Pact intentionally I may

    petition Garm or Justari for judgment upon Wyrd.
  • I understand if one of Wyrd’s agents breaks the Pact intentionally,

    I must first inform them that I have signed this Pact, and they are in

    violation of it. If they do not immediately offer reparations, I am

    within my rights to either petition Wyrd directly (the only instance

    where I am permitted to do so once this Pact is Sealed) or petition

    Garm or Justari accordingly.

    Signed officially on this day of ___________________

    Signed: ____________________________

    Printed Name: ______________________

    Witnessed by: ---------------______________________

    (Meta note: by signing this In Character pact, I understand my above

    named character will not be allowed to participate in any events/plots

    specifically thrown by Carrie Dolph, and she will do her best not to

    include that character in the plot. Do not sign it if you actually

    want to play this character at any event she is throwing.)

    Real name: ___________________ email address: _____________________
    Territorial Pact of Non-Interaction

    I, the undersigned, being a free-willed, sentient being without a

    conflicting Ban or Mandate, AND the acknowledged leader of a territory

    within the Realms do hereby declare:
  • I Swear to Uphold the “Territorial Pact of Non-Interaction”. Doing so

    places me in the following Pact:
  • My territory will never be specifically targeted or included in any ‘game’

    or ‘activity’ approved or influenced by the being known as Wyrd, or any of

    her Tools, tools, servants or slaves to the best of her (and her agent’s)

    ability to shield my territory from such involvement at all times.
  • In return for Wyrd’s (and her agent’s) efforts, I will also do my best

    to take no actions against Wyrd or her agents at any time, and I will not

    intentionally interpose myself or my territory’s resources between Wyrd (and

    her agent’s) activities.
  • I understand that Wyrd (and her agents) are in the world, and as such,

    other ‘non-pact’ territories, unclaimed land, public mailing lists,

    gatherings or other such things may be visited or frequented by Wyrd (and/

    or her agents) so I and my people, while outside my recognized territory,

    may experience Wyrd (or her agents) in some form of sensory fashion. This

    is not a violation, so long as Wyrd (or her agents) are not in my physical

    territory. Wyrd (and her agents) will not cross over the boundary into my

    territory to the best of their abilities.

    Wyrd (and her agents) will do what they can to avoid affecting my territory

    specifically and indirectly at all times, but I must also make efforts to

    not allow my territory to be used as a ‘safe-haven’ for those not bound by

    this Pact or by an “Individual Pact of Non-Interaction”.
  • Note regarding mailing public lists: To help limit ‘interaction’ on the

    public mailing lists, Wyrd (and her agents) will do their best to mark all

    incoming messages with a note in the subject line stating it relates to Wyrd

    (or her agents) so that I may delete the message unread. These messages will

    be marked with a WR (for Wyrd Related) henceforth. Other beings that are

    not Wyrd (or one of her agents) may post letters relating to Wyrd (or her

    agents) to the public list without her direct influence, and may neglect to

    so mark their letters. Wyrd (and her agents) shall not be held accountable

    for their actions in this case.
  • I understand that if I break my Oath intentionally, I will be declared an

    Oathbreaker, and I and my territory will be subject to whatever justice Wyrd

    sees fit to deal to me, up to and including censure by Garm.

    Some intentional activities include, but are not limited to:

    a) Taking arms against Wyrd or her agents.

    b) Intentionally using this Pact of Non-Interaction as a means to safely and

    actively plot against Wyrd or her agents.

    c) Knowingly and actively participating in Wyrd’s (or her agent’s) games or

    d) Knowingly offering to ‘hold on’ to items that Wyrd (or her agents) may be

    seeking in order to keep them from her (or her agents).

    e) Knowingly offering a location within my territory as a location for

    others to plot against Wyrd (or her agents).

    f) Knowingly offering asylum or protection to another being that has not

    signed this Pact or an Individual Pact of Non-Interaction and is being

    actively sought by Wyrd (or her agents)

    g) Actively encouraging my followers or people to work against Wyrd (or her

    h) In the event I discover others have been using my territory to performing

    an action that places me in violation of this Territorial Pact of Non-
    Interaction, I will take steps for my territory to immediately cease being

    so used, and inform Wyrd (or her agents) via a public missive of the details

    of the violation. If I and my territory continually (and conveniently)

    get so used, Wyrd has the right to revoke the Pact where it applies to my
  • I understand if Wyrd breaks her side of the Pact intentionally I may

    petition Garm or Justari for judgment upon Wyrd.
  • I understand if one of Wyrd’s agents breaks the Pact intentionally, I must

    first inform them that I have signed this Pact, and they are in violation of

    it. If they do not immediately offer reparations and depart the territory,

    I am within my rights to either petition Wyrd directly (the only instance

    where I am permitted to do so once this Pact is Sealed) or petition Garm or

    Justari accordingly.
  • To assist Wyrd (and her agents) in knowing where my territory’s boundaries

    lie, I will provide Wyrd (or her agent) with a map of my territory as it

    appears on the map of the Realms as drawn by and maintained by Metron,

    highlighted and outlined appropriately.

    Signed officially on this day of ___________________

    Signed: ____________________________

    Printed Name: ______________________

    Sovereign of (name of territory): __________________________

    Witnessed by: ---------------______________________

    (Meta note: by signing this In Character pact, I understand my above

    named territory will not be allowed to participate in any events/plots

    specifically thrown by Carrie Dolph, and she will do her best not to include

    that territory in the plot. Do not sign it if you actually want to allow the

    plot, either through action or rumor, to affect your territory at any time.)

    Real name: ___________________ email address: _____________________
  • Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 03-26-15 09:02 PM
    Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 03-26-15 09:02 PM