Kelguardia - WindfallWindfall RegionalsOne casting each: cantrip combine leyline travel combine recharge spell combine cry of life The general idea is that mages are able to tap into and manipulate the magic power coursing through the local leyline. Combine: as was done at Cloak and Dagger and Gauntlet Cantrip: caster attempts a “neat trick.” The intended purpose of this spell is to allow players to do such things as pick locks, distract bad guys, create a temporary disguise, etc. MM or EH decides if/how the attempt turns out. Leyline travel: essentially a partial “go astral.” 15-second verbal count to start and end spell (indicating that the mage is visibly fading out/in). Caster must cross arms over chest to indicate that they are phased into the local magic aura. Caster can see and hear others, but cannot touch/affect anything and cannot speak. Others can see but not touch/affect the caster. Does not allow travel through walls (caster is not sufficiently incorporeal). Recharge spell: resets anyone’s 5th circle or lower spell Cry of life: “all_____ within the sound of my voice rise and fight” |
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 04-25-14 02:14 AM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 04-25-14 02:14 AM