Language M - PMm'elzar - mage m'elzaren - mages m'garr - midgard m'ranndii - 1 husband 2 mate m'rstirans - from now on m'sig - music m'thain - priest maav'at - ignorance madari - signal maeertol - regain maelthra - dragon (young) magdelath - glimpse maglust - 1 alone 2 apart magthere - school magtheres - schools mal - fights mal'ai - idiot mal'rak - forever mala - manners malar - fight malarin - fighting malaruth - fought maligore - crafty malla - honored (term of respect) mamulen - chest manesu - spiteful manner - valor mapat'drachim - map mar'ius - extreme maral - storm marala - storms maristo - tonight marofke - bell marquathrow - target martheo - situation mauhni - compel mauhnie - compels mauhnin - compelling mauhnius - compelled maunar - spend maune - spends maunech - burden maunin - spending maunq'a - whether maunus - spent maurna - boat may'salkiriiss - nightshadow mayar - chance mayoe - maybe mechrola - swallow medose - harder medosek - early medri - death bringer mei'q - trade meifft - balance melaer - fight w/ magic meldrin - adore meldrine - adores meldrinin - adoring meldrinus - adored melee - fight w/ weapons mem - stomach menah - wide menvis - path menvissen - paths meun - form micamer - ma'am mii'n - means mildrin - single mimun - weaken mina - them minasien - mystic minasienal - mystical mir - 1 to hold 2 hold mir'cahallin - jar mir'ply - fluffy mir't - pulled miralok - falcon mire - holds mirshann - angel mirye - seldom mistrust - naukhaless mith - grey mithuth - sin miulk'ars - minions mizil'ra - matters mizil'ros - questions ml'aen - sight ml'aenus - sighted moila - happens molerngoth - dragonclaw molo - wraith mon'tu - point mora - act morad - action mordivvin - mock morfel - made morfelith - making morfeth - make morfethe - makes morn'lo - heat morngha - gloomy mortath - maker mrannd'ssinss - lover (male) mri'kul - 1 lock 2 to lock mrigg - 1 inspire 2 to guide 3 to inspire 4 guide mriggan - guidance mrigge - guides mriggin - guiding mriggus - guided mrim'ol - key mrimm - 1 key 2 guide 3 inspiration mrimmd'ssinss - lover (female) mru'nga - encourage mru'ngae - encourages mru'ngain - encouraging mru'shka - tempt mua - foe muatrix - matrix mufiga - yesterday mufo - tomorrow mumbaro - move mumbaroe - moves murrpau - 1 cat 2 feline murrpau'n - cats muth - found myar - bad mylthar - devour myrloch - astral myrlochar - soul spider myrxle - miracle mzil - many mzild - more mziln - 1 additional 2 extra 3 also mzilst - most mzilt - much mzulst - least Nn'abyl - testicles n'belaern - debt n'corda - contract n'kyorl - await n'kyorlin - awaiting n'nehr - less n'shtyl - slightest n'tol - vicious na'ceroth - barbarian na'eroth - trembling na'rescho - uneasy na'uren - hips naak'e - jealous nacta - pierce nadorhuan - coward nalt'chaxxan - murderous namba - hammer namban - hammers naqualla - displease nar - wich nar'harcan - vendetta nar'hethi - vengence narikia - nymph narkuth - scroll narrakan - shy nasan - affiliations nat'raeth - connected nat'tuk - gin natha - a nau - no nau'shind - forbid nau'shindcal - fruit nau'shindin - forbidding nau'vin - unusual nau'vine - unusually naubol - nothing naucrup - blameless naudal - across naukhaless'urn - mistrustful naukhel - nobody nauphlyle - claimless nauqu'allath - displeased nauqualla - displease naur - hip nauritz - valueless naurka - harsh nausbyr - neither nausfi - nonsense nausrigg'tul - displeasure naust - none nausura - naked naut - not naut'kyn - blind naut'shinder - forbidden naut-elghinyrr - undead nautya - hostile nauvost - ceaseless nauxahuu - refuse nauxxizz - helpless nauxxizzna - helplessly ne'enuvar - waterlily ne'has're - new clothes ne'kales - distrust ne'kalsa - nottrusting neantak - void nec'perya - sanctuary neccasalmor' - necromancer neccasalmor'en - necromancers neera - becomes neerrh - salvage neeveembee - november nei - empress neitar - never nek - slut nelgeth - to forgive nelgetha - forgiveness nelgethaun - forgiven nelid' - tentacle nempori - ugly nempori'phish - magenta nereth'ul - dictionnary nerhawok - magnum nesst - man nesstren - men nevrin - adventuring nez - win nezcau'bol - benefit nezdous - prevail nezmuth - won ni' fuer - to beg / to plead niar - water niar'haanin - river niar'uuthli - teal niaren - waters nibele - game nibeless - games nictus - hopping nicushacahme - enlightened nienar - mourn nienare - mourns nigunti'kar - genitals niir'l - tear nika - stranger niki - strangers nilah - misery nin - 1 present time 2 now nin'jahr - thus nind - 1 they 2 their 3 theirs 4 them nindel - that nindol - this nindolen - these nindyn - those nintan - themselves nir' el - bath nirgon - madman niss'nir - lack nixm'io - she'll niyar - weep niye - weeps niyin - weeping nizzik - sharpen nizzikef - sharpened nizzikn - sharpening nizziknir - sharpener nizzre' - lightning nl'gnos - missile nna'biss - tug nnabiss - pull noa - lose noalith - neutral noamuth - 1 wanderer 2 unknown 3 lost nodven - necessary nodven'lech - necessity noriam - count norrs - mouth nos'tangi - birthday nos'tangin - birthdays nossta - birth nosstan - births nota'man - devil nou'hai - concern nrunn - bore nrunnin - boring nrunnkel - boredom nug'ri - hungry nuij - fiend num're - sail numbt'st - egotistical numl - sad numl'esstu - sadness nuor - roll nuore - rolls nuorin - rolling nuorus - rolled nuw - jaw nuwei - jaws nwn't - untold ny - covet nygurath - powerfull nyln - coveted nym'uer - hear nym'uere - hears nym'uerin - hearing nym'uerus - heard nyrr - coveting nythe - floor nzet - neat Oo'dad - druid o'goth - heal o'gothe - heals obok - high obok'ssuss - noon obokur - higher obokurl - highest obsu'arl - trapdoor obsul - 1 chink 2 gap 3 door 4 opening obsul'e - portal obsul'ress - level ocan - mole octobre - october ofil'nisha - clothes og'elend - 1 traitor 2 heretic og'elendar - treason ogglin - 1 enemy (active; all creatures are considered potential ogglin) 2 opponent 3 rival ogglinnar - enemies ogglir - to rival ogglirin - rivaling ogrim - reaper oirna - eternal ol - it ol uriu - it's (it has) ol zhah - it's (it is) ol'elg - assassinate ol'elghinn - assassination olartae - tentacle-rod olath - dark olath'yukin - brown olathur - darker olathurl - darkest olis'inth - 1 plot 2 conspiracy olis'inthen - plots olis'inthigg - coup olist - 1 caution 2 stealth olister - acquire olog - troll oloth - 1 darkness 2 darkness olplyen - thieves olplyn - thief olplynir - steal olt - its oltan - itself olva - plant omegarialt - abandonment onhasta - dedicated onhir - worship onhire - worships onhirin - worshipping onnhar - loan onnharin - loaning onnhe - loans onnhil - loaner onnhillen - loaners onnhus - loaned ontar - negotiate ontare - negotiates ontaress - 1 negotiator 2 negotiator ontaressen - negotiators ontarin - negotiating ontarus - negotiated ooble' - tongue ooble'en - tongues oolos - fools op'elg - pirate op'elgin - 1 thieving 2 piracy op'lin - spilt opholudou - fascinating or'a - money or'shael - sacrifical or'shanse - sacrifice or'shansein - sacrificing or'shansene - sacrifices or'shausedus - sacrificial orbb - spider orbbcress - spiderweb orbben - spiders orbdrin - mask orbdrinus - masked oreb - raven ori'gato - let orior - prepare orl'nak - pillow orlenggin - altar orlime - dreary orlingg - bed orn - 1 will (future) 2 wilt orn'la - would orofarne - dwelling orofarnen - dwellings orrl - scorpion orshal - challice ortelanth - pray ortelanthe - prays ortelanthin - praying ortelassa - prayer ortelassan - prayers orthae - 1 holy 2 sacred orthagyn - redeem orthagyne - redeems orthagynin - redeeming orthagynus - redeemed orthagyrrh - redemption orthelanthus - prayed orvelve - sacrificial dagger orvulae - stiletto ou'tix - actually oubran - loudly oubwael - goodness ouhyll - match oukke - rudely oura - tiger ouvalyrin - kindness ouwaela - foolishness ozam - ship Pp'leik - suffering p'los - before p'luin - after p'luinda - afterward p'luvt - prey p'obon - mark p'wal - because pa'das - panther pahntar - open pahnte - opens pahntus - opened paken - took pand - include pande - includes pandin - including pandus - included parth - lawn paxil - decay peehineri - playful penis - platinum per'llas - irresistible pera'dene - scapegoat peri'sol - perish pes'cis - spice ph' - are ph'ashya - adria phalar - 1 grave 2 marker (battle-marker) philth - despise phindar - 1 monster 2 dangerous being (especially a non-intelligent creature) phish - red phla'ta - terrible phlith - hate phlithe - hates phlithus - hated phlyle - claim phlynn - claims phlyou - claiming phlyus - claimed pholod - onto pholor - 1 upon 2 on pholor'katri - onslaught pholud - fascinate pholudeq - fascinated phor - 1 above 2 over 3 up phor'uma - overstay phor'umaus - overstayed phord - read phraktos - gods phreng - realm phrengen - realms phu' - are phuul - are pi'rescho - easily pict - pick pictin - picking pidoa - weirdest pielch - stab pirkuloitte - looting piwafwi - cloak plak'la - gold plak'la'la - golden plica - neck plithou - hateful plithut - hatred ply'usaerth - kidnap ply'uss - 1 arrest 2 capture ply'ussiln - captivate ply'ussilnaa - captivating plyken - buy plynn - 1 seize 2 take plynnet - taken plynnil - write plynnith - writen plynnithus - writing plyussk - captor plyussq - captive polah - swab poop - stoop poria - yeild pragray'l - paranoid priqual - problem priqualen - problems prollussk - boys psught - independence ptau'a - attend ptau'al - attention ptau'ro - distraction puis'tary - unfortunately pussy - puisin |
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee
at 06-07-17 09:12 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 06-07-17 09:12 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 06-07-17 09:12 PM