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Language U - Z


u'fran - moldy
u'ilk - virgin
u'lar - impossible
u'nef - fortune
u'thet - recognize
ualstin - approve
uchado - here
ud'phuul - we're
udos - we
udossa - us
udosst - ours
udossta - our
udosstan - ourselves
ughasha - intrigue
ughashag - intriguing
ugul - low
ugulove - lowers
ugulovin - lowering
ugulovus - lowered
uhew - pot
uih - muscle
uil - am
uil'mriz - trophy
ujool - glass
uk - he
uk uriu - he's (he has)
uk zhah - he's (he is)
ukt - his
ukta - him
uktan - himself
ul'din - raymus
ul'hyal - inspiration
ul'hyrr - idea
ul'kas - called
ul'mubar - moving
ul'naus - together
ul'nusst - 1 scream 2 cry
ul'plynnda - to mistake
ul'plynndae - mistakes
ul'plynndain - mistaking
ul'plynndane - mistakenly
ul'plyr - reach
ul'saruk - warlord
ul'trin - sound
ul'tro - sounds
ul-Ilindith - destiny
ula - fine
ulan - toward
ulath'elzaren - arch-mage
ulathtallar - arch-priestess
ulin - 1 future (time) 2 future
ulisha - fearie
uljabplynn - 1 err 2 mistaken
uljabplynne - errs
uljabplynnus - erred
ulkund - flood
ulkunde - floods
ulkundin - flooding
uln'hyrr - 1 lair 2 liar
ulnar - 1 lie 2 untruth
ulnarii - lying
ulnen - lies
ulnin - soon
ulnuth - lied
ulorith - exist
ulsharyorn - psionics
ultrin - 1 highest 2 conqueror (when not applied to Lolth) 3 transcendent 4 supreme
ultrine - 1 conqueror (when applied to Lolth only) 2 mighty
ultrinnan - 1 conquering 2 to win or prevail 3 victory
ulu - to
ulu'fashrit - pressing
ulzakzigh - psionic actions
umbren - consequence
umbrenen - consequences
unboi - step
unboi'en - steps
unbuwun - interfere
unbuwune - interferes
unbuwuneth - interference
unbuwunin - interfering
unbuwunus - interfered
ungue - hollow
unl'r - ends
unnslith - lately
uns'aa - me
unsilanon - catastrophe
untaramar - ultimate
untaramarne - ultimately
uoi'nota - hell
ur'ac - foot
ur'thal - rider
ur'thalrss - riders
uradinna'lun - translators
uri'shoelt - happened
uriu - 1 's (has) 2 has
urlk'ris - govern
us'jalil - m'lady
usar - sliver
usbyr - either
ush'akal - sir
ushdui - crazy
ushkaneisel - weasel
usi'entil - guessing
usieva - guess
usievaah - pretend
uspir - spiral
uss - one
uss'sol - cyclops
ussa - me
ussgolhyrr - trickster
ussgyot - position
usst - mine
usst'na - brimestone
ussta - my
usstan - 1 I 2 myself 3 this one (self, I)
usstan'bal - i've
usstan'luf - oneselff
usstan'sargh - arrogant
usstan'sargho - arrogance
usstil - one in my place
usstzigh - imagination
usstzighla - imaginary
ussvelusscal - acid
ust - first
ust'dan - infidel
usto - freak
usulii - member
usuud - offal
ut'silti - to collar / to enslave
uuthli - 1 blue 2 saphire
uuuniloh - archer
uxxahuu - dispose
uyl'udith - greatest


v'dre - rest
v'dri - sleep
v'drin - sleeping
v'driy - sleepy
v'nal - vale
v'ren - lick
vaen - last
vaene - lasts
valbyl - bind
valbylis - binding
valbynae - bindings
valdruk - shadowmaster
valkhel - liche
vallabha - dearest
valm - 1 bond 2 join
valm'sohna - rejoin
valm'sohnain - rejoining
valmuth - bonds
valshar - emporer
valsharen - imperial
valsharess - queen
valshath - palace
valuk - king
valukes - kings
valyr - manner
valyrin - kind
valyrine - kindly
valzu - cost
vantua - machine
vaq' - consume
vaq'e - consumes
vaq'in - consuming
vassnta - innocence
vassnten - innocents
vassnti - innocent
vasta - dump
vdrei - rests
vec'end - odd
vedaust - goodbye
vedir - mount
vediren - mounts
vedui' - greetings (formal)
vee - bid
vee'ther - weather
veein - bidding
veen - bids
veeus - bade
veir - close
veire - closes
veirin - closing
veirs - closer
veirsa - closest
veirus - closed
vel'bol - what
vel'bolen - which
vel'dos - whose
vel'drav - when
vel'duith - succor
vel'karel - nomination
vel'klar - where
vel'shamress - administrative
vel'uss - who
vel'ussa - whom
vel'xundussa - security
vel'xunil - spying
vel'xunyrr - 1 to spy 2 spy
veldri - hide
veldrin - 1 concealment (as afforded by varying light) 2 shadows
veldrinn - hides
veldriss - shadow mistress
veldruk - master
veldrukev - mastered
velendev - longer
velg'larn - assassin
velg'larns - assassins
velkresa - hiding
velkyn - 1 hidden 2 unseen 3 invisible
vellupa - marry
vellupala - married
velnarin - instrument
velve - blade (dagger, knife, sword)
velvel - knife
velveli - knives
velven - blades
velvetallar - julienne_noquar
velvorn - bladed
velxunai - spies
vendui - hello
vendui' - greetings
venduin - greet
venoch - murder
venorik - silent
venorsh - silence
venrin - adventure
ventash'ma - leader
ver'n - serious
ver'nuin - pantywaste
veresi - moonless
verin - 1 evil 2 evil
verve - long
ves - very
ves'aph - likely
vesdrac - souls
vesss - smooth
vet - veil
Vhaeraun - Vhaeraun (deity)
vhaid - proud
vharc - vengeance
vharcan - revenge
vharelgg - avenge
vharelgge - avenges
vharelggin - avenging
vharelggus - avenged
vharr - ward
vharren - wards
vharrin - warding
vharrus - warded
vhid - chaos
vholk - iron
vi' - vice
vi'noriam - viscount
videnn - gate
vidennen - gates
vigaj - madness
viggtu - insane
viggtuii - insanity
vigh - mad
vikkhn - pragmatic
vikkhnoq - pragmatically
vil'klviss - worms
vil'zra'quath - freeze
vilrath - malice
vin'ult - hail
vir'ednith - explosion
vishin - upsets
vith - 1 sexual-intercourse 2 sex-genders 3 sex 4 fuck
vith'ir - fuck you
vith'rell - fucker
vithanaik - sexuality
vithanna - sexual
vithus - fucked
vizh'tho - brandon
vla'rinnyn - brotherhood
vlo'jihnrae - bloodwine
vloriss - crown
vlos - blood
vlosinssrigg - bloodlust
voen'llyl - heed
voiry - book
vok - listen
vost - cease
vostul - ceasing
vreg'nth - wicked
vress'lve - claw
vress'lvel - talon
vress'ol - finger
vrin'klatu - essence
vrine'winith - stop
vrueh - studying
vrune - shoulder
vrunen - shoulders
vyk'zlade - snake
vynnessia - butterfly
vzahaz - troops


w'kar - godly
wa'q - tower
wa'qin - towering
wa'tani - argue
waeklyth - entangle
wael - fool
waela - 1 unaware 2 unwary 3 foolish
waelarin - fooling
waele - stupid
waelen - idiotic
waeles - idiot
waelin - young
waenre - servants
waer'honglath - justice
waerr'ess - deceipt
waess - skin
wahven - waste
wahven'urn - wasteful
wanre - 1 apprentice 2 servant
wanu - recent
wanune - recently
wargerr - seas
wayc'e - dwell
wayc'el - dwelled
wayc'er - dwells
we'ha - penis
weafl - useful
wenress - maiden
wenressen - maidens
wenressne - maidenly
wern'in - southwest
wern'nt - southeast
werneth - south
weth - each
whol - for
wiles - words
wiu - boy
wlalth - spell
wlalths - spells
wobadikist - steamy
wolkil - baseball
wor'ge - valley
wu'suul - inside
wun - in
wund - 1 within 2 into 3 among
wund'akh - belong
wussrun'wa - dream
wwagh'yss - curtain
wwagh'yssen - curtains
wyirv - speculate
wyirvaerth - speculation
wylth - thorn
wylthen - thorns
wynthau - succeeded
wynthe - success
wynthl - succeeding
wynthye - succeed
wynthyil - succeeds


x'ianxin - murderer
x'khat - became
xa - yeah
xa'huu - garbage
xa'huul - litter
xa'huuli - 1 worthless 2 trash
xa'los - oracle
xal - 1 may 2 might 3 perhaps
xan'ss - word
xanalress - language
xanalressen - languages
xar'zith - ice
xarrmak - clique
xas - yes
xauhuan - confuse
xellased - dwellers
xenca' - frog guts
xentra - carribean
xenu - sicken
xesst - entice
xet - discord
xey'los - vein
xhandal - challenge
xi'hum - pet / plaything
xia - radiant
xinanath - parents
xindarl - drug
xindarlen - drugs
xindos - nevertheless
xl'fye - harness
xo'a - attempt
xo'al - try
xo'an - attempts
xo'aus - 1 attempted 2 tried
xoch'ark - scintillate
xonathull - battle
xonathulls - battles
xor - or
xortin - raised
xsa - damn
xsa'ol - damnit
xsa'us - damned
xta'rl - touch
xuat - don't
xuil - with
xuileb - without
xukuth - heart
xukuthe'l - heartless
xun - 1 do 2 to complete 3 complete 4 accomplish
xund - 1 effort 2 work 3 striving
xunden - deeds
xundus - 1 accomplishment 2 doing 3 work completed or manifested in some concrete result 4 achievement
xundussa - 1 accomplishments 2 achievements
xunin - doing
xunor - done
xunsin - drive
xunus - did
xurtop - february
xusst - wrong
xussten - wrongs
xuz - end
xxilfet - armour
xxizz - help
xxizz'a - helped
xxizzia - helps
xxizzuss - helper


y'haerr - fan
y'haerrd - fanatic
y'haerrdsc - fanatics
y'haerro - fanning
y'haerrsc - fans
y'sik - rather
y'teni - raise
y'uotl - amateur
ya'quin - morph
yacal - eating
yah - god
yaith - pay
yaithess - payment
yallt - today
yath - 1 of the temple (property, work, or decree) 2 temple
yath'abban - temple agent
yatharil - 1 priestess (of Eilistraee) 2 priestess of Eilistraee
yathen - temples
yathrin - 1 priestess of Lolth 2 priestess (drow/of Lolth)
yathtallar - high priestess of Lloth
ycal - eats
yentil - lot
yeunn - pathetic
yewl - provide
yewle - provides
yewlus - provided
yib - toe
yiben - toes
yibin - weak
yibinss - weakness
yibinssen - weaknesses
yigsawla - fornication
yikss - decide
yiksse - decides
yikssin - 1 deciding 2 deciding
yikssus - decided
yikssusne - decidedly
yin'xir'ziji - frozen
yingil - gnome
yingilin - gnomes
yinn - tooth
yinnin - teeth
yinvezz - cute
yivera - attract
yiverae - attracts
yiverain - attracting
yiveraus - attracted
ykihk - stinky
yllssigul - 1 caress 2 stroke
yllui'th - agreed
yochlol - handmaiden of Lloth
yol - since
yorlii - fog
yorlii'uak - foggy
yorn - 1 power 2 will (mental power) 3 servant-creature (of the Goddess Lolth)
yrthyr - tense
yu'na - bend
yugho - nice
yuih - muscles
yukin - orange
yukin'ik - beige
yul - gender
yulul - prize
yulun - prizes
yulurln - prizing
yuluwyl - prized
yur'i - changes
yutreess - intelligent
yutri - smart
yutrilanil - intelligence
yutrquns - march
yutsu - return
yutsu' - returned
yvalm - bound
ywrazz - fact


z'arlathil - natural
z'arlathilu - naturally
z'haan - run
z'haanin - running
z'har - 1 to ride 2 ride
z'hin - 1 to walk 2 walk
z'hind - 1 expedition 2 trip 3 journey
z'hine - walks (verb)
z'hins - walks (noun)
z'hintekk - walker
z'hinus - walked
z'hren - flow
z'klaen - must
z'lonzic - enough
z'orr - 1 to climb 2 climb
z'plozach - tunic
z'reninth - believe
z'reninthin - believing
z'ress - 1 force 2 strength 3 power 4 dominance (especially of the will--ie success in manipulation)
z'talin - 1 telepathy 2 esp
zah'har - suffer
zahanzai - scouts
zahanzon - scout
zahur - courier
zakath - agony
zanjur - messenger
zao - teach
zaphodiop - horse
zaphos - sausage
zaqh - spike
zarachi'i - phrase
zasimartek - authority
zathul - jinx
zatoasten - bastards
zav - clever
zayfa - wielded
ze'zhuanth - ancient
zeklet'tau - heaven
zenphe - chamber
zenpheir - chambers
zer'tath - crystal
zet - left
zexen'uma - stay
zexen'umae - stays
zexen'umaus - stayed
zezz - razor
zha'linth - memory
zha'trass - boot
zha'trassen - boots
zhadur - belief
zhaduren - beliefs
zhah - 1 's (is) 2 is
zhahen - were
zhahn - 1 past (time) 2 then (time)
zhahus - was
zhal - shall
zhal'essin - avatar
zhal'essuk - incarnation
zhal'la - should
zhalongfranam - heating
zhas - wild
zhaun - 1 know 2 knows 3 to learn 4 to know
zhaun'ol - 1 book 2 treatise
zhaun'velkyn - wisp
zhaunau - knew
zhaunil - 1 wisdom 2 learning 3 knowledge
zhaunl - knowing
zhaunus - sure
zhaunyl - surely
zhennu - great
zhil'za - probably
zhlaass - relax
zho'amine - forgets
zho'aminin - forgetting
zho'aminth - forgotten
zho'aminus - forgot
zhu'lect - followed
zhuanth - old
zhuel - former
zhuelne - formerly
zif - absolute
zifreinn - absolutely
zig - base
zigh - image
zigh'hlah - imagery
zighen - imagine
zik - sharp
zik'den'vever - plane
zikegh - sharpest
zikeir - sharper
zikowt - tribe
zil - consort
zilib - consorting
zin'olhyrr - loyal
zin'olhyrran - loyalty
zirh - fed
zirn - feed
zirnra - feeding
zirnran - feedings
zith - page
zithrelar - thousandth
zjut - elbow
zjutae - elbows
zjuttenur - elbowed
zniee - sincere
zolarix - painful
zotreth - 1 strike 2 hit 3 punch
zotreth'mal - striking
zotrethe - 1 attacks 2 punches 3 strikes
zotrethin - punching
zotrethus - 1 punched 2 struck
zoxidon - system
zra'ha - mentor
zsatelis - newbies
zu'tour - shut
zuch - always
zud'dar - test
zuel - track
zuelolb - tracked
zuelsai - trackers
zuelsul - tracker
zuelyi - tracking
zuess - harrow
zuesswy - harrowing
zuneerrh - salvation
zuul'raght - amazing
zygul - sharp edged
zze'ill - werewolf
zzikhc - smells
zzil - fur
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 06-07-17 09:20 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 06-07-17 09:20 PM