Common U - ZUugly - nempori uh - ko ultimate - untaramar ultimately - untaramarne umberhulk - drelber ulm unable - asizil unaware - waela uncle - ilninuk uncomfortable - rifhitah uncover - ragar undead - naut-elghinyrr undead slayer - shadrak under - harl underdark - har'oloth underdark bat - dragazhar underground - feryxonis understand - kampi'un understanding - kampi'unin understands - kampi'une understood - kampi'unus underwear - chillala undo - astux undoing - astunin undone - astu undreamed - silasisann uneasy - na'rescho unfortunately - puis'tary unholy - sham'aroth unicorn - skragharigg universe - galavern unknown - noamuth unseen - velkyn until - hwuen untold - nwn't untrustworthy - thain untruth - ulnar unusual - nau'vin unusually - nau'vine unwary - 1 waela 2 awylir up - phor upon - pholor upsets - vishin us - udossa use - kl'ae used - aturr useful - weafl useless - kl'eril using - kl'aein usual - elend usually - thugrin Vvague - korrle vaguely - korriless vain - ist'a vale - v'nal valley - wor'ge valor - 1 manner 2 sargh valuable - ritzeld valuables - ritzelden value - ritze valued - ritzou valueless - nauritz values - ritzen valuing - ritzemme vampire - sanguine veil - vet vein - xey'los vendetta - nar'harcan vengeance - vharc vengence - nar'hethi very - ves Vhaeraun - Vhaeraun (deity) vice - vi' vicious - n'tol victory - ultrinnan villain - raghvaril villains - raghvarilna violate - gragg violation - gragg'reth violence - ssissilluk violent - ssissill violet - sil'iluuth virgin - u'ilk viscount - vi'noriam vision - tajo visit - ilfu'da voice - ssivah void - neantak Wwait - kyorl waiting - 1 feithin 2 kyorlin wake - guuan (stop sleeping) wakes - guuane (stop sleeping) walk - z'hin walked - z'hinus walker - z'hintekk walks - 1 z'hine (verb) 2 z'hins (noun) wall - reibe wander - gheut wanderer - noamuth wandering - hee wanders - dogheut want - ssinssrin wanted - ssinssrinil war - thalack ward - vharr warded - vharrus warding - vharrin wards - vharren warg - rovu wargs - rovul warhammer - elgg'namba warhammers - elgg'namban warily - kyone warlock - fahliell warlord - ul'saruk warm - sune warming - sune'le warning - sarn warrior - sargtlin (drow) warrioress - sargtlsinss warriors - sargtlinen wary - kyone was - zhahus wash - kertest waste - wahven wasteful - wahven'urn watch - kyorl watcher - kyorli watchers - kyorlen watchful - kyorl'urn watching - kyorlin water - niar waterlily - ne'enuvar waters - niaren wave - 1 fer (hand movement) 2 falma (water) waved - ferus (hand movement) waves - 1 falman (water) 2 fere (hand movement) waving - ferin (hand movement) wax - liiko way - i'dol ways - i'dollen we - udos we're - ud'phuul weak - yibin weaken - mimun weakness - yibinss weaknesses - yibinssen wealth - belaern weapon - sarol weaponmaster - sarol'veldruk weapons - saroless wear - lann wearing - lannin wears - lanne weasel - ushkaneisel weather - vee'ther weave - lodtyn weaver - lodtyna weaves - lodtyne weaving - lodtynin web - cress webs - cressen weekend - kkublyn'tan weep - niyar weeping - niyin weeps - niye weird - fowai weirdest - pidoa welcome - al'doer welcomed - al'doerus welcomes - al'doere welcoming - al'doerin well - al wench - l'essnil went - alus weom - eryd were - zhahen werewolf - zze'ill west - linoin wet - loniar what - vel'bol wheat - sara when - vel'drav whenever - sik where - vel'klar whether - maunq'a which - vel'bolen while - rena whine - elg'car whining - elg'carin whip - elgluth whirlwind - qeesuaco white - t'puuli who - vel'uss whole - gordo whom - vel'ussa whore - ssindossa whose - vel'dos why - ele wich - nar wicked - vreg'nth wide - menah wielded - zayfa wife - 'ranndi wild - zhas will - 1 yorn (mental power) 2 orn (future) willow - fattipuss willy - gary wilt - orn win - nez wind - su'aco wine - jhinrae wing - alti'ui wings - alti'uin winter - erthe wisdom - zhaunil wise - bekea wiser - 1 bekeanan 2 bekanan wish - daewl wishes - daewle wishing - daewlin wisp - zhaun'velkyn wit - grt witch - c'nros with - xuil wither - l'lonna withered - l'lonneal within - wund without - xuileb witnesses - kyorl'n wits - grtn wizard - faern wizards - faernen wolf - kal'daka wolves - ikal'daka woman - j'nesst women - roma won - nezmuth wonder - brorn wonderful - bronretla wood - lorulm wooden - taurina word - xan'ss words - wiles wore - lannus work - xund work completed or manifested in some concrete result - xundus world - tresk'ri worm - tanth worms - vil'klviss worried - ezsakil worry - eszak worship - onhir worshipping - onhirin worships - onhire worst - sslith worth - ssran worthier - khurzoan worthiest - khurzuil worthless - xa'huuli worthy - khurzon would - orn'la wound - haru wounds - hery wove - lodtynus wraith - molo wrath - jusron wrestle - r'yder write - plynnil writen - plynnith writing - plynnithus wrong - xusst wrongs - xussten wyrm - cer'z XYyawn - gnoth yea - laie yeah - xa year - drasv years - drasven yeild - poria yellow - ssussun'yukin yes - 1 xas 2 siyo yesterday - mufiga yet - quin yittk - sdfghj you - dos you're - dos phuul young - waelin your - dosst yours - dossta yourself - dosstan yourselves - dosstanen yuck - gurrouh Z(If you find any more words/translations, feel free to add them to the appropriate sector. - Iawen) |
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee
at 06-07-17 09:44 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 06-07-17 09:44 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 06-07-17 09:44 PM